snapPacking provides a powerful search feature. You can search for any of the following by entering in their unique number (or part of)
- bins
- pallets
- cartons
- runs
- bin submissions
- loadout orders
- loadouts
- container numbers
- menu item - enter part of the menu name to bring up the corresponding screen.
Where 1 exact match is found, you will be taken to the corresponding screen, otherwise you will be given a list of possible matches where you can select the correct item.
Pallet, bin and carton searches take you to a store item
screen where you can drill down to more information, eg, entering a pallet will display a page of information about the pallet. From there you can click through to find more information about the loadout or product on the pallet. Select a product on a pallet to find out more, including other pallets that contain the same product. From there you can click on other pallets, and so on...
The search tool provides a powerful way to explore your inventory. Demonstrating this feature to your customers can provide assurance you maintain full traceability.